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Daily Needs

Sadly, the human race hasn't reached the point of being able to sustain it's self on cheap vodka and excessive masturbation, so we'll have to get some basic needs to survive.

Food - Pretty straight forward, you need it to survive every day. Sure, you can go with out it in real life. But hey, I control you here, so that'll be $100/day.


Gasoline (Unleaded) - For normal commutes to and from the PT meetings and your son's soccer games, you need the liqufied baby dinosaurs we all know and love, $50/day


Gasoline (Premium) - When you build or purchase a high performance vehicle, it usually relies on a different form of petrol made out of spicy, more explosive Mexican dinosaurs, so if you plan on racing a lot, it'll be $100 to get your speedster brimmed up with that High Octane Blend.


Housing: Thankfully Rockstar has been kind enough to decide rent for us already, so thats $75 a day. If you want to use your mechanic, tack on another $50.

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